Tuesday, December 29, 2009

BITS - The Last Day (Part 3)

The last in a three part post is finally here! I'm sure all my juniors are cursing me by now...
Sorry, but I've been kinda putting off writing the last one coz then it'll all be over for good, if you know what I mean. Anyway, my pre-new-year-resolution is to finish this last post before the New Year begins, so here I go.....

First of all, it has been kind of unfortunate that I did not get to interact with most of the 2009 batch. If anyone, I'm to blame... I have been kind of 'underground' this last semester, mostly due to my laziness, the dearth of classes to attend, the almost non-existential placement interviews, the lack of an assistantship (or the lack of interest therein owing to other aims) and absolutely no administrative responsibility.

Please note that the list of names the follow or in any of the previous posts are in no particular order. I just put them down as they came to the forefront in my mind...

I have written DC Nicks for juniors whose names I do not know... and I have no way of mentioning the countless juniors I have known by face but I cannot recall their names right now... Add me on Google Talk people!!!

I would like to express my gratitude to...

Rasagy Sharma for being my fellow BITSian contestant and a winner in CSI IT Idol of Goa Competition
Vineet Dhanawat for running TITAN last year and keeping me an Admin (although I had practically no active contribution to the hub (to be read 'new downloads'))
Macbook for the same this year
Purvali Chaudhari for being a fellow TITAN Admin (one of the few whom I could chat with in Marathi without other Admins understanding a word!)
Adya Jha for being an amazing dancer
Abhijith Reddy for keeping the passion for coding alive in me by frequently informing me of upcoming Codejams
J C Keerthan for running the Gnome Hub
Amit Sarangi for the awesome new mail server
Kusum Kumar for administrating the CSD
Chetan Bansal for being one of the quickest web developers I have come across
Ajax, L!e for being DC AdminChat buddies
OPHIDIAN for her ('her' right?) well categorized and large DC share
SiriusWallace for keeping his share updated with the latest TV series

This basically sums up everything I want to say...

Goodbye all!
Have a good life!!
and Goodbye BITS!!!